vacuum cleaner

Dust's "invisible killing" is abhorrent. A good vacuum cleaner is essential, not only because of its powerful suction, but also because of its power, which completes the cleaning work efficiently and leaves us with a lot of time.

But there are so many types of vacuum cleaners on the market that many people don’t know how to choose.wet dry stick vacuum Which one is right for you? Let’s talk about it today.

1. Cleaning ability

The most important functional design of a so-called vacuum cleaner is that we can vacuum, and "sucking" is a key.wet and dry vacuum cleaner for home So if you want to buy a more suitable household vacuum cleaner, you must first look at the suction power. You might as well consider the power, Measured in terms of suction effect and dust collection rate.

Depending on the power, when the filtration processing methods are the same, the power will often directly determine the suction power of the vacuum cleaner. A vacuum cleaner with high suction power will make cleaning easier and more convenient for users. However, high-power development also means high energy consumption and relatively high cost of noise, so we are not getting better by increasing the power. For some small apartments, choosing a vacuum cleaner with a rated output power of about 1000W can achieve very clean cleaning. For large households, you can choose a vacuum cleaner with a rated power of around 1500W.

The suction force is the most important measurement condition for a vacuum cleaner, and it is the vacuum cleaner motor that determines the suction coefficient. The motor is called the heart of the vacuum cleaner, and its importance can be imagined. Only a good motor can release powerful suction and quickly pick up dirt on the ground. Vacuum cleaner motors on the market are generally divided into two types: ordinary motors (brush motors) and brushless motors. The brush motor is the basis of all motors. It has the characteristics of fast starting, timely braking, smooth speed regulation in a wide range, and relatively simple control circuit. The carbon brush or electric brush is a wear accessory. The friction between the commutator and the brush blade has a certain time limit. In the later period of use, various maintenance problems caused by wear are prone to occur. Brushless motors are driven through computer chip holes. There have been no problems before, except that the bearings and bearing cores are worn. Bearings and bearing cores are not easy to wear under normal circumstances, so the life of brushless motors will be much longer than brushes. .

The dust collection rate refers to the dust collection efficiency of the vacuum cleaner and is also an important indicator of the cleaning performance of the vacuum cleaner. The cleaning performance level of a vacuum cleaner depends on the dust absorption rate. In other words, the higher the dust collection rate, the better the cleaning effect of the vacuum cleaner. The "suction power" of a vacuum cleaner is determined by the combined force of the wind and the force of the vacuum produced by the machine, but these two factors have opposite properties. In other words, when the wind is strong, the vacuum force becomes weaker, and when the wind is strong, the wind force becomes smaller. The maximum value of the combined force of the two represents the dust collection rate of the vacuum cleaner.

2. Battery life

The battery life of a vacuum cleaner is inextricably linked to battery capacity and quality management, and also directly affects the efficiency of home cleaning. Therefore, when purchasing, instead of simply looking at the parameters, it is better to directly research and learn deeply about the battery technology, and develop your own analysis and judgment.

Among them, lithium-ion batteries have the highest utilization rate. They are small in size, large in capacity and long in service life. Under normal circumstances, they can also keep the vacuum cleaner running for about 30 minutes, and daily cleaning can be satisfactory.

There are vacuum cleaners with removable batteries on the market now. Even if the battery dies during cleaning, you can replace it immediately, extending battery life and avoiding cleaning interruptions.

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