numbering box

In the increasing international trade today, as a qualified international logistics personnel should be familiar with what?fca incoterms Today I would like to share with you the advanced knowledge of cross-border shipping that international logistics personnel must read.

1. What is the problem of numbering box numbers/containers?

The box number is the number of the container, which is unique in the world. It consists of four letters and seven numbers. The first three letters are the code of the owner (shipping company or chartering company), the fourth letter is U, the next six numbers are the serial number and the last one is the check code. The box number usually needs to be obtained from the driver, as the driver only knows the box number and the suitcase after clearance. The box number is used when making and entering warehouse receipts.

2. What does a lead seal mean?

A lead seal is a seal number that locks the door of a container.contract logistics Generally provided by the shipping company, you need to pay to buy, usually 50 yuan a.

3. export enterprise cargo refers to through what?

Export cargo means empty containers are shipped back to the factory site or logistics warehouse for shipment, and then declared for export.

4. What do you mean by imported goods?

Imported cargo means imported cargo is customs cleared and then heavy container is shipped back to factory site or designated place for unloading.

5. What does empty driving mean?

Empty driving refers to pulling empty containers back to the station after assigning the vehicles that cannot be shipped due to various reasons to the factories or logistics warehouses.

6. What does empty container mean?

Reverse box is defined as dragging a box from that yard to another of our yards, or not moving the boxes in top-to-bottom order and moving their data out of the upper two boxes and pressing them directly underneath themselves.cross dock This development is more likely to result in an occurrence when a box number is assigned or when Customs conducts an inspection.

7. What is a container terminal?

Container terminal generally refers to a place where containers are stored in or near a cross-border marine terminal. The driver usually takes the boxes to the station. As opposed to terminal receiving, the transshipment containers between the yard and the driver are handled by terminal receiving.

8.What does a bill of lading usually contain?

The contents of bill of lading usually include bill of lading number, vessel name and voyage, box weight, cargo description, number of pieces, gross weight, number of boxes, consignor and signature.

9. What do we need to pay attention to ourselves when shipping?

When importing and exporting, we should pay attention to the type of box, box volume, weight, whether the site needs agreement, arrival time, special requirements of the box, etc.

10. What do we need to pay attention to the delivery order?

The order should be written as concise as possible, because some drivers don't know the English alphabet at all. Vessel name, voyage, bill of lading number, on-site station, arrival time, manufacturer's address, contact phone number, box special requirements and manufacturer's special requirements must be written clearly. Write the invoice clearly and don't let the driver go the wrong way. Also need to pay attention to the problems written above, such as some commodities on the cabinet requirements are particularly strict, must be clear with the driver, so as not to cause the cost can not be clear with the driver.

11. What is the equipment handover form?

When the shipment, the first hit the list, and then you can get their own set of multi-linked "equipment delivery form", the driver can not be based on this technical equipment for the handover of a single to the box, out of the station and return the box.

12.When do you release the boxes to the import and export terminals?

Normally, the boxes are released at ten o'clock and no one is there at nine o'clock, so the import work has to be back around eight o'clock because the drivers will dispose of the boxes first.

13.Does overloading mean overweight?

(1) Overload:Generally speaking, the tonnage of goods loaded on a vehicle exceeds the limit weight of the vehicle;

(2) Overweight: usually means that the tonnage of the loaded goods carries on exceeding the ultimate theoretical weight of a container.

14. What does packing and unpacking mean?

(1) Loading means loading cargo in empty containers;

(2) Unloading means transporting heavy boxes to the factory.

15. What does return mean?

That is, pulling the Chinese cargo and then back we pull back a cargo, not empty return, not empty open.

16. What is load bearing charge?

In the high-speed toll station, according to the weight and tonnage of the goods to charge tolls, also known as high-speed tolls.

17.What is damage charge?

Damage charge is the cost incurred when the imported box is found damaged after unloading.

unpacking load bearing charge damage charge