
Filtering is a very useful feature in Excel that can help you find the data you need quickly. If you work with large amounts of data on a regular basis, it's important to learn how to use Excel's filtering feature.convert scanned pdf to word text rtf online Here are some simple tips that can help you make better use of the filtering feature in Excel.

First: Filter out multiple fuzzy conditions at the same time

To do this, you just need to use Excel's advanced filtering features and set multiple filters.

Specifically, you can filter multiple fuzzy conditions at the same time by following these steps.

Select the area of data that we need to filter.

On the Excel menu bar, select the data tab and click the Advanced button.

In the Advanced Filtering dialog box, select the Copy to another location option and copy the filter results to a new location.

In the Filter Criteria area, set multiple filter criteria. You can use wildcards (such as asterisks or question marks) to match specific words or characters to make fuzzy matching easier.

In the Conditions area, select the "or" operator so that you can filter for any of the multiple economic conditions at the same time.

By clicking the OK button, Excel will filter out rows that match more than one condition and copy the results to a new location.

In addition to filtering multiple fuzzy conditions at the same time, Excel's Advanced Filtering feature allows for many other ways of filtering. For example, you can use the Interval condition to filter out data within a specific date range, or use the Unique Records option in the Advanced Filtering dialog box to remove duplicates.jpg to pdf converter and combine You can also use the Unique Records option in the Advanced Filter dialog box to remove duplicates. In short, mastering the skills of the Advanced Filtering function can help you handle large amounts of data more easily and improve your work efficiency.

Second: Filter by Selected Cells

This allows you to quickly filter out the information you need and customize the operation according to your needs.

In this example, our country needs to filter out the contents of all R products. Simply by clicking on the cells of the R products, right clicking, selecting Filter, and then having the option to analyze and filter by the value of the cell, we can get the results that improve what we want in China.combine jpg to pdf converter In addition, we teachers can also use different colors, fonts, etc. to manage more in-depth and detailed filtering, so as to more quickly find the problem we need to live the information.

Third: Filter by color

In our daily work, we sometimes need to extract the content of a particular color, and then you can use the table or database filter function, through the color filter to quickly get the information we need.

Specific operations are as follows: in the filter, select by color filter, and then select a color that can qualify the content. Surgery is very simple.

These several ways and means of filtering not only students can effectively improve the efficiency of our work and study, but also through the need to help us save a lot of time. Each time to save time as well as may be because only a few seconds, but if a year down the road can be so save time, can save us a lot of overtime time and energy.

filtering feature multiple filters data