fish gelatin

Gelatin is very popular right now, very popular! Not only does gelatin have many health benefits, but it's also easy to use and won't break your budget like some other superfoods.

Although gelatin is gaining traction, there are still many important things people don’t know about gelatin To get the most out of gelatin, here are 8 facts you need to know!

1. Gelatin is collagen

Collagen is the most abundant protein in our bodies. It is mainly composed of the amino acids glycine and proline.gelatin sheet It is mainly found in the connective tissue and bones of animals. When you boil those connective tissues and bones, collagen is released. This cooked collagen is what we call gelatin.

But what about when you buy gelatin and find hydrolyzed collagen? Hydrolyzed collagen and gelatin are basically the same thing - it's just that gelatin doesn't gel and collagen doesn't. This means you can use collagen in things you wouldn't normally want to gel.

2. Gelatin helps fight wrinkles

Yes, wrinkles are actually caused when the collagen in our skin starts to break down causing the skin to wrinkle.Bovine Gelatin Gelatin alone may not completely eliminate wrinkles, but it can help maintain skin elasticity and fight signs of aging.

3. Gelatin contains amino acids that are lacking in modern diets

When our ancestors slaughtered an animal, they ate it "from head to tail." This means every part of the animal can be used. Today, we mostly eat only the muscles of animals. As a result, we get a lot of certain amino acids, but not enough of others. This imbalance can lead to inflammation. By eating gelatin, you can add those missing amino acids back into your diet and correct the imbalance.

4. Bone broth may not be safe for SIBO

This is bad news. Many people turn to bone broth (which is rich in gelatin) to help heal their gut. Unfortunately, if you have small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO), the condition may be aggravated. These bacteria feed on carbohydrates in our gut. Therefore, to cure SIBO, carb restriction is a must!

Bone broth contains a type of carbohydrate called glycosaminoglycans. Although FOD-MAP is safe, it can still feed intestinal bacteria and exacerbate symptoms. Therefore, for SIBO patients and other patients with intestinal dysbiosis, it is often better to stick with gelatin supplements and not consume bone broth.

5. Grass-eating problem

Numerous studies have found that cattle fed natural grass are more nutritious than those fed grain. Yes, grass-fed gelatin costs more. Note that the term "grass-fed" only applies to bovine gelatin. And pork gelatin. However, it is difficult to control a pig's diet, so bovine gelatin is often the best choice.

Gelatin SIBO wrinkles