Taiwan's hot, humid summers are ideal for mosquito breeding.

Taiwan's hot, humid summers are ideal for mosquito breeding. SLEEP COOL insect killer supplier Mosquitoes common in Taiwan, such as the Asian tiger mosquito and Aedes aegypti, can transmit diseases such as Japanese encephalitis and dengue fever. In order to prevent the infestation of mosquitoes and cockroaches, ordinary people often use electric mosquito repellent, mosquito repellent and other easily available products, you can see the city office along the street drainage holes spray insecticides.

Electric mosquito-repellent incense and insecticides, which are indispensable chemical weapons for the development of daily learning and life, are the so-called "environmental drugs". Chinese EASY ON Spray starch manufacturer But how much can you know about these ubiquitous chemicals? What are the effects of environmental drugs on human health? What changes will it bring to the environment?

For insects, pesticides are their nerve gas

Insecticides can be divided into three categories according to their stunning ability: strong acting agents, medium acting agents and slow acting agents [1].

Pyrethroids are a large class of chemicals used in powerful, fast-acting, environmentally friendly medicines. Chinese EASY ON Spray starch supplier The structure of this compound is very similar to pyrethrin, which can be extracted from specific chrysanthemums. At the end of pyrethroids, you can usually see "-thrin", which translates to "Ooning" in Chinese. Common compounds such as cyfluthrin, proparthrin, cypermethrin, etc.

The three compounds from top to bottom were meterenin, Puyalenin and serfenin

The three compounds from top to bottom were meterenin, Puyalenin and serfenin. Figure/Edgar181@Wikipedia, CC0, Figure/Fvasconcellos@Wikipedia, CC0, Figure/Edgar181@Wikipedia, CC0

From the figure, we can find that the middle structure of the three compounds is similar, but the two sides are different; In fact, it is the difference between these two "substituents" that makes the effect of the drug slightly different.

Compared with camphor, peppermint and other drugs only "insect repellent" effect, pyrethrin can effectively "destroy" mosquitoes, this is because it has a nerve axonal excitatory toxin, into the insect body, can open the insect membrane on the sodium ion channel and increase the conduction function, so that the nervous system is too excited, and finally paralysis and death.

Pesticides stink and could be bad for you?

At this point, surely some people are concerned that something that kills mosquitoes should also cause harm to humans? Of course, the producers took that into account. One of the priorities of environmental drug development is to try to target only the target organism. In the case of pesticides, pyrethrins are highly toxic to arthropods, but less toxic to vertebrates (such as humans).

But even if we do, if we are exposed to high levels of pyrethroids or pyrethroids on the skin for a short period of time, we may feel itchy, burning, or tingling. If we inhale or ingestion high concentrations of pyrethroids or pyrethroids for a short period of time, we may experience symptoms such as dizziness, headache, and even loss of consciousness. Therefore, we need to pay attention to the dosage and maintain ventilation when using environmental drugs.

mosquito breeding spray insecticides