Are Kline, Magic, Dishwashing and Sponge formaldehyde really harmful to human body?

Are Kline, Magic, Dishwashing and Sponge formaldehyde really harmful to human body?

My comments are as follows:

1. For these products, there should be no standard in the national standard, and their raw materials contain formaldehyde precursors. kitchen sponge brandIf the process is not up to standard, they will inevitably continue to release formaldehyde, resulting in a certain range of formaldehyde concentration. But if it is packed in a small closed box to measure whether the air in the box exceeds the standard, it belongs to Zhang Guan Li Dai, forcing it to wear a hat with excessive formaldehyde. Any similar product will generally release a certain amount of formaldehyde, the key is its release speed and release time. If you follow the method in the video, basically any related product can reach the conclusion of exceeding the standard. After all, in a small enough space and a long enough time range, the released formaldehyde can always reach a high concentration. Leaving the detection space and accumulating time to talk about exceeding the standard is hooliganism.

2. These erasers, generally used to scrub dishes or chopsticks or board book, sponge wholesale manufacturerhuman contact time is not much, direct contact with the skin generally will not cause formaldehyde into the human body to form harm. Formaldehyde acts on human alveoli mainly through respiration, and further produces toxic effects. If it is a relatively poor eraser and has been used for a relatively long time (such as a teacher holding it in his hand all the time) , the release of formaldehyde may cause local concentrations to be too high, which is harmful to the human body.

3. The volume and mass of these erasers are relatively small, the total amount of formaldehyde precursors will not be too high, and the influence range of release will be relatively small. As long as the place is well ventilated, it will generally not cause the indoor formaldehyde concentration to exceed the standard. Relatively speaking, poor quality home decoration is easy to cause high indoor formaldehyde concentration due to its large volume and rapid release, thus endangering human body.

In general, if long-term exposure (teachers) may cause some harm, only short-term exposure (washing dishes) does not cause harm, and these corrosives are unlikely to be responsible for indoor air formaldehyde pollution, the widespread poor quality of indoor home decoration is our main concern

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released formaldehyde,magic sponge,formaldehyde precursors