Home cleaning and disinfection are critical for neoconiosis prevention!

One, diligent ventilation: ventilation two to three times a day, each time lastingLong Covid Conditions at least half an hour, depending on the weather conditions.

The first step is to wash your hands frequently: 1. You must wash your hands after leaving and returning home; 2. You must wash your hands after touching potentially contaminated objects, or disinfect them with a hand disinfectant.

Three, change and wash clothes: change and wash your clothes frequently, and if necessary, disinfect them with boiling water or disinfectant soak disinfection (according to product instructions).

Keep household surfaces clean: Clean the surfaces of environmental objects that are Omicron Symptomsfrequently touched by hands, such as desktops, countertops, door handles, and so on, on a daily basis, and wipe them with chlorine disinfectant when necessary (e.g., when guests visit) (according to product instructions). Cell phones, remote controls, mice, keyboards, and other small items can be disinfected by wiping them with alcohol wipes.

Clean your hands after removing the outer packaging.

When going out to receive express delivery, you should properly wear a mask and disposable gloves, and maintain a social distance of one meter to reduce direct contact and communication.

The surface packaging of the courier is not recommended to be brought indoors when unpacking as much as possible outside, and can be disinfected by wiping six sides with disinfectant wipes or by using chlorinated disinfectant or 75% alcohol for comprehensive disinfection of the internal and external packaging.

After handling the courier, remove the gloves, carefully disinfect or wash hands, replace the mask, and avoid touching the mouth, eyes, and nose with unclean hands.

At the same time, courier operators are reminded that

Courier employees should be aware of the epidemic's risk level in the area where they are responsible for sending and receiving couriers. Before beginning work, check the quantity and quality of personal protective equipment such as work clothes, masks, gloves, and hand disinfectant, and take your body temperature.

To complete mail, express mail delivery, and receipt, try to use non-contact methods such as intelligent express mail boxes (letterboxes). Throughout the work period, wear medical surgical masks or higher. Replace the mask as soon as it becomes wet or dirty.

When riding in an elevator, wear a mask and keep a safe distance from other passengers.

When you have respiratory disease, try to stay indoors as much as possible. If you must go out, wear a mask and practice proper hand hygiene.

Reduce your attendance at activities such as dinners and parties. Reduce your visits to closed, airless, and crowded public places.


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