Which is better: a floor scrubber, a vacuum, or a sweeping machine? Stop buying arbitrarily and start paying attention to the nuances.

The first issue is that it is easy to become tangled in the line; almost all sweeping robots cannot avoid this problem; even if it is a more expensive sweeping robot, it cannot guarantee that it will not become tangled in the line, and there may be damage to the line; if you want to buy, must put the line storage, so it is more suitable, the home does not have too much complex furniture, the space is relatively simple family.

The second issue is that if you are impatient, or if you have pets or children at home, you will be more cautious, as it is easy to idle. I've encountered some individuals who believe that the sweeper is too slow, and that it is preferable to travel back and forth to a location than to clean it yourself. You'll feel sluggish if you can't stand keeping an eye on it.

The third issue, as previously stated, is that due to its structure, each side has a small distance, so when mopping the floor, two to three centimeters away from the wall, it cannot be dragged, there will be cleaning dead ends, this is also the case with most current sweeping robots, there is no way to solve the problem, and then, as in the kitchen and bathroom, some of the more stubborn stains, many sweeping robots cannot clean. The other thing is that floor cleaning robots are frequently upgraded with substantial updates.

The newest sweepers this year are mainly using autopilot technology, so if you can tolerate these, the X1 with base station or the T10 are excellent choices, according to my current evaluation. However, if you are too sluggish for a sweeper and are concerned about the hygiene of your home and want to do a deep clean on a regular basis, you should purchase a scrubber.

Because it suction enough, it can clean everything, such as the kitchen spilled oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and rice, and the bathroom splashed all over where the water, these can suck, and is suction drag one, cleaning up is also very easy, mopping the floor, even the hoover can do the work can also be a piece of dry, in fact, in the home to walk around, clean, but the point comes, you choose, there are a few points to note.

First, the scrubber is relatively heavy, especially for girls, so it is best to choose the type of dual-assist, what do you mean, for example, or take our home this example, Timco's Fu Wan three point zero, it is this is to go forward, he will be best cordless handheld vacuum for pet hairforward to help, you backward when it will also be backward to help, and its help will be stronger, it is not like the ordinary scrubber, it is not like the same. It's not simply a roller brush; it has two wheels at the back, positive and negative drive motors, so even though it's heavy, it's easy to clean; and it has an intelligent algorithm, so as long as you carry it, it'll automatically go forward or backwards, making cleaning easier.

The second important thing to note is the endurance, one is the water endurance, one is the electric endurance, not just look at the electric endurance, because some scrubbers, with time, really a moment to run out of electricity, a moment to run out of water, a moment the sewage tank is full, toss and turn to go very tired, it is better to manually go to drag it, so buy, must be to look at the electric endurance, but also to look at the water endurance, The first is that it can last for forty minutes, which means you don't have to replace the water or charge it all at once.

The third thing to remember is to read the comments section or the review before purchasing, because some scrubbers are really good, but after using, they are very easy to mold and smell, especially in the south, because it is a wet brush, so choose, either have air-drying function, or have other, like bacteria removal technology, or air-drying technology, like Timco's this, it is homemade electrolytic water bacteria removal, in addition to The first step is to pay close attention to the distance between the brush and the edge, which is a minor detail.

The benefit is that it may be used in addition to the floor, with a variety of heads, so numerous that you don't know what they're for, such as suction bed, suction sofa, and so on. Suction hair and suction corners. The downside is evident, because you cannot mop the floor, you must be another whole mopping, or manual mopping, choose which model, in fact, the technology of the hoover is already quite advanced, the only issue is the suction power size.


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