Is your skin hydrated enough? Three skin moisturizing tips to save your desert dry muscles

Is your skin hydrated enough? Three skin moisturizing tips to save your desert dry muscles

Are you still rubbing bottles and cans of skin care products, Thermage FLX but feel that the water is not fully absorbed, the moisture is not enough, and the skin condition is not improving? Moisturizing is a key part of basic skin care. Mastering the correct moisturizing method can deeply moisturize the skin, effectively anti-aging firming, prevent fine lines, improve dry and rough skin, and protect skin from external damage. How to make your skin drink enough water? The following is to share a simple self-skin moisturizing test method, take you to understand the skin moisturizing operation process, learn the correct moisturizing method, so that you can easily have a tender Q elastic translucent beauty!

How important is moisturizing? The skin moisturizing mechanism was analyzed

Often hear "to skin good, moisturizing well", in the end is to help moisturize where? In fact, the purpose of skin moisture is to maintain the water content of keratinocytes, the water content of the normal skin stratum corneum is about 20-35%, if the water content is less than 10%, the skin will appear dry black, peeling sensitive phenomenon.

In fact, the skin has its own moisturizing mechanism. During the upward movement of keratinocytes, proteins are broken down into natural moisturizing factors, which are composed of amino acids and urea. And exists in the cuticle to absorb combined water and achieve the effect of moisturizing the cuticle. Lipids in keratinocytes act as a barrier that locks in water and prevents water loss. The surface of the skin forms a sebum film made up of water, sweat and lipids. It is the first line of the skin's external defense, and can also moisturize and lock water and regulate water loss. Therefore, the most important part of facial moisturizing is hydration + water lock, which can increase the moisture of the skin, delay the speed of water loss, and maintain the health of the cuticle.

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