What else are you, PDF?What is a PDF, then?

What else are you, PDF?

PDF is one of the most popular office formats, merge multiple photos into one pdf and any reviewer who has used it will praise its "excellent compatibility" and "unchanged transcoding after typesetting".

It is anti-human design. PDFs can't be edited, copied, or sometimes confused. Why do you need such an anti-human design?

What is a PDF, then?

How does PDF work?

The PDF scheme in its basic form

As a matter of fact, the problem with PDF format is not that there is no mysterious document data format emerging in China lately, but that it was developed and designed in the 1990s, seven years after Word format was developed.

As a result, PDF format was originally designed to be more adaptable to the spread and reading of a wide range of document formats, so it is more likely to be a printed electronic document than Word, Excel, PPT, text, HTML, and other documents suitable for daily office and learning editing. Disseminates and communicates documents across platforms in multiple formats.

Documents in PDF format can be printed electronically, such as Word, Excel, PPT, TXT, and HTML. These documents are exchanged into electronic paper that can be opened and read on many different platforms.

2. The PDF format

When it comes to opening files of different formats in the most faithful and convenient way, transcoding to PDF format is the ideal solution.

The PDF format also holds the top position in document format industry due to its compatibility with various document data formats, mutual transcoding, fidelity development, and quality improvement through compression.

PDF's advantages

Platform-independent and open

In addition to being compatible with reading and disseminating different formats of documents, PDF format also acts as a bridge between dissemination and reading them.

Multi-format interoperability

There is one reason why PDF excels over other document formats: it is transcoded with the five most commonly used formats on the market, except PDF.

Retain the original layout of the file

The advantage of fidelity has always been the reason why PDF format is talked about, since it can take away all your typesetting content intact like a printer; Imagine me writing a planning copy for a week and losing my hair. Because I changed a computer or a document software, the layout was disrupted. I really want to talk about the boss's anger, colleagues' ridicule and the embarrassing situation of self-doubt.

For plug-in management, keep the original file.

I'm sure in this age of special effects Duang Duang promotion, no one is reluctant to add their own copies, add various high-end template plugin points, new fonts, great images, cool templates, etc. When presented across platforms, these surface projects have little to lose.

It's easy to solve this problem by converting to PDF, because PDF can save all the bonus elements of your proud work like a printer and help you shine in front of your boss and colleagues.

Multimedia plug-in embedded

As I see this, my friends will complain that other files can embed pictures and videos. What a great advantage, so I can only say that friends don't worry, just listen to me.

Is it an advantage for printed things to move if multimedia plug-ins are not embedded in PDF documents?

Since PDF documents come with a variety of multimedia plug-ins, we can ensure that the PDF file system after transcoding, even though it may not be the same as a paper due to editing, retains its original ability to render images and videos in GIF format.

After transcoding, automatic compression is performed

In general, when we add many images and videos to a file, the file size will increase immediately. It can be dozens of megabytes small, hundreds of megabytes large, and if we put a few hundred megabytes of files directly into the company's internal shared network symbol transmission, it is no doubt watching the tortoise and the rabbit race scene.

PDF work PDF scheme